Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The Hunt

Well, mom...here I am in time out again.....but really, it was all worth it!  I know the young mom called.  I could hear her voice on the other end of the phone and I reeeaaaaaallllllly wanted to see her.  I can't help whining!  But you opened the door to the deck and out we went.  I know you wanted to keep things quiet for the others still sleeping.  Wow!  I really enjoyed the deck!  The sun, the smells, the early morning freshness and YES!!!!!  No gate!  (Oh you must have taken that down when you and the wise one were cleaning up the broken glass from the table and the super storm last week).  One check back...yes!  You are still on the phone chatting away....I will just sneak down the stairs.....one, two ...... I can't stand it:  jump, leap, OH SWEET FREEDOM!!!!  Wait, what!  Oh no!  Here you come....darn.  Mom, really I was only going to sniff a little and then maybe come back.  Well you look pretty silly in your PJ's and mom sloggers you got for mother's day.  Hahaha!  Well if you are going to chase me, I will make it worth it!  Run, run, run....wait and mark!  Run, run, run....wait and mark!  I love how you think you are going to get me when I stop.  I will never stop long enough for you to catch me---HAHAHAHAHA!  Rabbits!  Oh my!  Rabbits galore!  I will chase and prance and dance and run and leap and OH NO!!!  I really have to stop now.  Darn.....longer than a mark.  HMPH....and mom you are coming and SADNESS!  The collar is on.  Oh the world has stopped for a moment....but it was fun.  Well mom, what are you going to do about....THAT!  You don't have a bag and we are in someone else's yard far, far, far away!  Oh, I figured.....you are a very responsible dog owner...that's why I love you.   Here we go; home again.  You are very quiet.  Mom.  Mom.  Mom are you going to talk to me?  Hey look at that we are getting wet by the sprinkler out front....oh, now we are going in the garage door, okay.  Why can't you get it open?  Let's try the front door...oh, that is locked.  Mom, you know you could ring the doorbell, but I know you'd wake the house up.  Hey!  Then everyone could celebrate my short freedom run, yes?  Oh, okay, maybe not.  Hey, let's go in the back door by the deck where it all started.  Yay!  I am home.  Wait....you want me to go in my crate?  But we had such fun didn't we?  The old man is staring at me.  What's that you say old man?  I will never learn?  Hahahaha!  YOU DIDN'T GET TO CHASE RABBITS THIS MORNING!  HAHAHAHAHA!  Win, Win!!  I love you mom!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Well mom, really, ....really....WHAT WAS THAT!  First you put my crate in the car and then me in the crate while the old man gets to roam the car.  Next you take us both in the building that had the most smells I can ever remember.  You weren't paying attention to me.... I repeat:  you weren't paying attention to me at all!  I had to do something!  Boom...that got your attention.  The old man looked at me in disgust as I watched you take off your shoe and ask the nice lady behind the counter for paper towels.  Somehow you didn't like the smell or the brown stuff on the bottem of your shoe at all; even when we went downstairs in the elevator, you left your shoe outside the building and walked around with only one shoe.  Well, I told you it would make you think of me.  Wait....they are taking the old man away!  No...no...no...NO!  I only pretend I am tired of him.  I don't know what to do with myself.  Don't ever tell him that!  I shall cry and whine, maybe they will bring him back!  There that did it!  Wait...sniff, sniff...he smells like medical smell and his leg is stiff.  They are taking me now!  Old man, old man, what will they do to me!!  Lot's of ladies in blue smocks.  I will struggle....hahaha you can't make me sit still for that silver needle thingy.  Bark, bark, bark, struggle, struggle, struggle....oh darn there is the stick....OUCH!!!! No fair!  Mommmmmmmmm!  They are taking me back to you.  Mom, mom, mom, mom,....don't ever make me do that again... I love you, I am sorry I made you do away with your shoe...Thanks mom for lots of hugs and kisses...I love you!