Saturday, July 30, 2011

Toto the Tattletale

Dear Mom,

Mom!  Did you see that?  I barked for you and you didn't come.  The old man just decided to claim the family room rug right there!  I do NOT want to get blaimed for that again.  I did NOT do that this time.  Mom!  Whine, whine, bark, bark.  Oh wait here comes the girl child.  She is watching the old man finish the claim.  Wait!  Bark, bark, whine, chase tail.  Little girl child, little girl child, did you see that?  Okay....and he is just walking away.  What IS this?  You JUST took us out for our morning jaunt.  The old man can't have this room.  I own this room.  It is where the father figure wrestles with me and where mom holds me and where the little girl child bounces the round chewy rubbery thing with the yellow fuzz on it for me and where the wise one talks to me and where the young mom teaches me.....I own this room.  FINE....I will try and claim the room, too.  Where, where, where....oh, on top of the old man claim...that is where I will stake MY place!  Haha!  Oh comes the father figure....and he is loud again.  Okay, really....I get out one drop on top of this whole wet spot from the old man and I get blamed!  I didn't do it, really I didn't.....Wait, here comes mom! She will stick up for me!  I love you mom!


Thursday, July 28, 2011

Toto and the Toast

I am so comfortable here under the wise one's bed.  The carpet is soft and new.  I got in trouble when they put it in a short time ago when I claimed it for the wise one.  I will never do that again or I may not be invited back in.  The wise one has left for the Jersey shore they say.  I will miss him and his calm ways...they help me.  Wait...wait...what is that sound!  Yes!  There it is again.  And the lovely smell of cooking bread.  Run, run, run, run, down the stairs, through the family room, run, run, into the kitchen!  Okay....what is HE doing here.  How come the old man is here first?  I am the fastest!  Toast, toast, toast!  I love toast!  Especially the corner pieces with the soft yellow stuff melting in.  Run, spin, run, spin, catch my tail excitedess!  Okay...why does the old man get the first piece?  He is too still.  Mom is saying something to him.  Sit?  Why would you sit to get a piece of toast?  You can't even tell the old man likes it as much as me.  Okay and FINE!  I will ploay along!  Oh!  Now she is talking to me.  Yes, mom I will sit!  Sit....still...stilll...still...YES!  I HAVE THE PIECE OF TOAST!  Hahahahaha!  Now I shall run and be free and growl and jump!  I have the toast, I have the toast!  Thanks for the toast, mom.  I love you mom!


Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Too Much Toto

Dear Mom,

Today I decided to take charge....just to help the old gentleman dog.  I barked at the phone when it rang early this morning.  I barked at the umbrella outside the front door.  I barked at the rain.  I barked and the leaf that blew and stuck to the glass door.  I barked at the blow up dolphin water toy that has been sitting in the mud room for two weeks, just because I wanted to and just because I can't believe it's been there for two weeks.  I barked at the trash can outside.  I barked at the plate in the sink that slid down and made a noise....I can bark louder than that plate I tell you!  I barked at the mail truck and the FedEx truck and the neighbors coming home from work.  Whew-  I had quite a day being in charge.  But it is all worth it to show you I love you mom!


Sunday, July 3, 2011

Toto's New 'Tude

Dear Mom,

I have decided to try and be nice to the old man....I mean he must be older than me, right?  He does get grumpy when I try and fake a fight with him.  He is aloof when I run circles around him.  He is SOOOOO slow when we go for walks.  It's still all about me, right?  Well, I have decided that I need to be nice to him.  I have noticed him following me lately and waiting for me.  I don't think he can see that well any more.  I think he is sniffing his way over to me so that I can lead him where we need to go.  I felt bad for him yesterday when he fell down the stairs.  I don't think he legs are working well up and down the stairs anymore.  I think I can grow up a little and help lead him around a little.  I promise to be nice to the old gentleman now.  Will that make you proud of me, mom?  I love you mom!
