Saturday, August 27, 2011

Toto's Tea Party

Dear Mom,

I am all up for cuddling.  I really am.  I understand the girl child loves to hug and snuggle.  I am far older than my two years of age and I already realize that she needs a bit 'o love now and then, but......COME ON!!!!   And you didn't even save me!  Oh I tried to run, really.  I had her chasing me all over the kitchen until the father figure came in and yelled.  And then, .... then you plucked me up and out of my stillness into her arms.  You said it was cute.  You even went and got your camera.  You took a picture.  And all the while I was asking you to save me and you didn't.  Don't you love me mom?  Then later lots of girl children came over and my girl child snagged me again and sequestered me in her room.  I was made to have tea with these dolls that look amazingly life like and they are my size.  They were all dressed up in Colonial garb and clothes from the 70's.  Then I was nice, I really was, to let the girl child show all the other girl children MY entire wardrobe:  a blue snowflake sweater, a grey hoodie (YO, PEACE, out....),  an orange pumpkin costume, a seafoam green merMAN costume, a santa coat with jingle hood....really, REALLY!!!   Then....horrors of horrors I was made ...MADE I TELL get snuggled in a blue blanket and tucked into a doll's blue stroller and strolled around the girl child's room.  Mom I am seriously wondering if you love me anymore.  After the girl children went home and the girl child was still in her bed and the house was quiet the old man came up to me.  He whispered in my ear and walked away smiling.  The young mom did that to him when she was the girl child's age!  HA!  Now I don't feel so bad.  I still love you mom!


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