Thursday, August 25, 2011

Toto's Tension

Dear Mom,

Well......that was a crazy afternoon!  I was very tense after that the whole day.  The old man was in his crate, as usual, sleeping on his pillow bed.  I felt like something was going to happen.  When I started barking, you said, Shhhcht, like the dog whisperer on TV I like to watch.  I couldn't help it....I just had to bark; something was going to happen.  Then I felt the kitchen floor hum.  It got louder and louder with my barking.  The old man came out of his crate and stared at me.....he is always just staring!  The floor started rumbling and that big brown rectangle of a thing in the foyer with the gold colored swaying circle on a stick starting chiming by itself.  The girl child came over and scooped me up and started crying.  What was going on!  I barked louder and louder.  You ran past the shaking brown desk, got our leashes and we ran outside.  Yay!  Run, run, run, run, wanted to stop in the street where everyone was.  I could feel the ground become still.  Let's just run and run....that was fun!  Mom, I didn't like the big trembly shaking thing!  It makes me nervous!  Will you love me forever, mom?


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